Training of a „very aggressive” German shepherd whose behavioural problems had been diagnosed in a renowned ”dog training school. The final diagnosis in case of the German shepherd was: fear aggression towards other dogs. Months of training hadn’t changed anything. Various methdods had been applied, including shock collar (which in my humble opinion in case of such diagnosis shouldn’t have been used). Nothing had helped. Having observed the dog first, during our first meeting at Dog Training Centre Perra we decided to begin training which was specially desgigned for dogs with a similar temper. I wasn’t particularly surprised by the reaction of our dog. Our “aggressive” shepherd played with a labrador. The dog who had never had the opportunity to get to know another representative of the same breed, would become frustrated when on a leash, she would bark continuously, which was enough for “a specialist” to make the diagnosis mentioned above. Subsequent pulling and use of shock collar only aggravated this reaction. To make sure the reaction of our dog towards other dogs was proper, after each training she would meet another dog with whom she would play sparing their life at the same time I’m far from judging others, however, I think that the market itself and higher awareness of dog owners may verify our professionalism. Here’s the letter sent by Mrs Anna a few weeks after our training began.
“Good morning. It’s really good now. Kaja behaves better and better every single day. We started to trust each other. I’m not afraid to have her off leash on a meadow near my house anymore. I don’t let her play with other dogs, as many of them are very small and barking, but she comes on my command without any problems and we can relatively calmly go away, or even don’t notice them and play. Bigger dogs usually are walked by their owners in the evening. For the time being, I prefer to take her for a walk during the day. The owners of small dogs avoid us anyway, as they remember how she used to lose her temper not so long ago. I think that we’re making up fast our months of negligence.”
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