Diana is a female labrador. She’s recently attained one year of age and is our first dog. Since the beginning she had been raised in the kennel and she would do whatever she wanted when in the yard. She would pull on leash and jump up at the sight of another dog. Only when our daughet was born, did we start to be bothered by her behaviour. We decided to attend a training at Dog Training Centre Perra and now we realise that it was our best decision. Our trainer Sandra showed us the world from our pet’s perspective and allowed us to understand her behaviour and taught us with patience how to deal with it. She would immediately correct our mistakes and reliably pass on us her knowledge so that we could see the results after first few trainings. Sandra taught us how to train our dog by playing and how to enforce obedience. Now, we have great bond with our dog who has changed beyond recognition! We are not afraid anymore to go out with our child and take our dog with us, which let us derive sheer pleasure from our walks. Therefore we really recommend Dog Training Centre Perra and Sandra: a very nice, qualified person with a wonderful attitude towards dogs. A great advantage of trainings at Perra is flexibility and custom-oriented training schedule. We would like to thank for cooperation and recommend it to everyone!
We began our basic obedience course run by Sandra in June. Our dog’s name is Maks. It’s a 6-month-old male labrador with enormous physical power, a lot of energy and level zero obedience. We are glad that we came across such a wonderful trainer as Sandra and we’d like to recommend her to anyone who is willing to see for themselves what it’s like to achieve success while working a dog like ours. Thanks to her professional approach towards the dog and patience towards us (dog owners over 60 years old) we managed to achieve great success, which is Maks’s response to sit, lie down, fetch, heel and come commands. All our trainings took place in places and at times which were convenient for us. We would also repeat all the commands we had learnt during previous trainings. The rest is up to us and our resilience in training Maks who after only 2 meetings with Sandra manifested better understanding of the whole situation. We are very grateful for the work done and professionalism.
Drago began his training at Dog Training Centre Perra just before his first birthday. Strong determination and willingness to train their dog at the highest level motivated Iwona and Krzysztof to hard but very pleasant work.
What was the final outcome?
”We would like to thank Paweł Górecki for work he put in to train our German shepherd Drago. We attended a one to one course, which was conducted in a very nice and joyful atmosphere. We couldn’t just dilly-dally as our trainer is fully engaged in his work, the result of which was that we learnt how to work with our dog so that both side could derive pleasure from it. Another step we want to take is protection work at Dog Training Centre Perra. Thank you! Regards, Iwona and Krzysiek”
Arek and his white companion’s adventure with Dog Training Centre Perra began thanks to willingness to develop and cooperate tightly with the best Dogo Argentino kennel WhiteAngel Dogo Argentino. Arek and Ebberado are a well-knit team. They’ve completed two levels of protection work at Dog Training Centre Perra. Strong bond between both of them and their tough characters led to amazing results. Ebberado is a proof that appearance and functional features may go hand in hand, which is very difficult to achieve nowadays.
Thank you very much for cooperation
A dog who completed training at Dog Training Centre Perra with flying colours
Obedience training, final grade: A
Protection work, final grade: A
Thank you
We would like to thank for training of our dog Hektor who completed both obedience and ”protection dog” trainings. After both trainings Hektor is an obedient dog and we don’t have to worry about our safety anymore. Thank you.
The only we think that comes to my mind is to smile
That’s just Kiler.
Paco came to Dog Training Centre Perra when he was very young and he turned out to be particularly interested in trainings. He could perfectly distinguish time for play and obedience training. Paco’s leader also turned out to be very engaged in training as if she wanted to prove that not only German shepherd or labrador deserve to be referred to as ideal dogs for dog training. Paco completed the course with flying colours. I still tell the story of this little, obedient French bulldog whenever I meet my new clients. I wish everybody as much motivation and willingness to work as Sonia had.
Hi everyone! I’d like to thank for helping me to get control over my beloved female German shepherd Bruni. My life is much easier now after we’ve completed the training. Bruni finally understood what obedience means. We still have to master our skills and want to continue our adventure in the form of protection work. We’ll surely participate in group protection work.
Regards and see you soon,
Bruni and Klaudiusz
Training of a „very aggressive” German shepherd whose behavioural problems had been diagnosed in a renowned ”dog training school. The final diagnosis in case of the German shepherd was: fear aggression towards other dogs. Months of training hadn’t changed anything. Various methdods had been applied, including shock collar (which in my humble opinion in case of such diagnosis shouldn’t have been used). Nothing had helped. Having observed the dog first, during our first meeting at Dog Training Centre Perra we decided to begin training which was specially desgigned for dogs with a similar temper. I wasn’t particularly surprised by the reaction of our dog. Our “aggressive” shepherd played with a labrador. The dog who had never had the opportunity to get to know another representative of the same breed, would become frustrated when on a leash, she would bark continuously, which was enough for “a specialist” to make the diagnosis mentioned above. Subsequent pulling and use of shock collar only aggravated this reaction. To make sure the reaction of our dog towards other dogs was proper, after each training she would meet another dog with whom she would play sparing their life at the same time
“Good morning. It’s really good now. Kaja behaves better and better every single day. We started to trust each other. I’m not afraid to have her off leash on a meadow near my house anymore. I don’t let her play with other dogs, as many of them are very small and barking, but she comes on my command without any problems and we can relatively calmly go away, or even don’t notice them and play. Bigger dogs usually are walked by their owners in the evening. For the time being, I prefer to take her for a walk during the day. The owners of small dogs avoid us anyway, as they remember how she used to lose her temper not so long ago. I think that we’re making up fast our months of negligence.”
I’m glad I had the opportunity to meet Agnieszka and Adam who put their heart and soul into working with Zula, who despite fantastic predisposition had to face her problems connected with excessive excitement. It was a very interesting case with a happy end. Zula, an energetic female German shepherd, could have become an overexcitable dog full of energy which would never be used, which would make her nuisance for her owners both at home and outside, or she could have become a highly-trained dog. All that was possible due to her great gift, namely her temper. Thanks to Agnieszka and Adam’s engagement and determination we have another well trained dog completing her training at Dog Training Centre Perra. I’d like to thank you for such nice reference.
“We’d really like to recommend trainings at Dog Training Centre Perra conducted by Paweł Górecki who helped us understand the world of our dog Zula, a female German shepherd. Thanks to customer-oriented attitude we could systematically correct our dog’s behavioural problems and at the same time develop our dog’s obedience skills. Relatively early training (Zula was 6 months old) let us avoid strengthening improper behaviourof our puppy, which due to our lack of knowledge would be left unnoticed by us at the beginning. Nowadays, our communication with Zula is much easier and, above all, takes place in a much less nervous atmosphere. There is still a lot of work ahead of us but we’re confident that thanks to knowledge acquired during trainings our work will be nothing but joy and pleasure. Summing up our training at Dog Training Centre Perra, we may say that it was effective, fully professional, suited to our needs and always conducted in a pleasant atmosphere.”