pawel i wafel

Olfaction is the most important sense for a dog. It is the first and last thing a dog will do in life.
– Information form sniffing comes to the same area of the brain which is responsible for emotion and feeling pleasure.Mantrailing is a great opportunity for an overreactive dog and it has huge benefits great for a dog with a fear of people and other dogs.

- During the trailing, the dog has to be focused on one activity and ignore all distractions. This gives dog enjoyment in a difficult environment.
– The dog learns concentration
– Self-confidence is the biggest reward. What the dog can achieve during the trail when following a human scent and to finally find the source (human) the dog learns to trust people and feel safe and relaxed around people.
– there is no age limit for the mantrailing training
– Mantrailing is a great way to build a bond between dog and owner.
– Mantrailing burns energy and lets the dog get tired pleasantly.
– In 20-30 minutes of mantrailing the dog is much more tired than after a few hours walk. 


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